Auckland Golf Update on Chamberlain Park

Save Chamberlain Park


At the Auckland Council Environment and Community Committee meeting on 10 July 2019, Councilors voted 13-7 to accept an indicative business case prepared by Council staff and approve the development of a detailed business case for the implementation of the Albert Eden Local Board’s Master Plan for Chamberlain Park.  The Master Plan includes development of a neighbourhood park with play area; shared walking and cycling paths and connections; the restoration of Watītikō/Meola Creek; two artificial sports fields; and a reconfigured nine-hole golf course with driving range and practice facilities.


AGI supported a letter sent by NZG to Auckland Council prior to that meeting (attached below), stating that we were not supportive of the Master Plan as it currently stands and believe the plan requires a much greater level of thinking. 


SCP are directing their resources to the Council and Local Board elections in October. Amongst other things they will be seeking to identify those who are standing for the Albert Eden Local Board and support the retention of this iconic park. SCP now has more than 20,000 supporters on its petition site – its aim is also to drive support numbers higher so that it also has a voice for those seeking election to the council and the mayoral office.


If you wish to support the petition go to

Further information and key dates can be found on SCP website  http://www.savechamberlainpark

Posted: Wed 07 Aug 2019
